Friday, February 28, 2020

Reporting Seminar

Report on Heritage Management and Mass Media  Dated 25-26/02/2020 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Organizer: Departments of Journalism, History, Sociology, and Heritage Management Resource Centre
Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad.
Participants: All the post graduate and MPhil, PhD students and teachers of the above Departments.
Speakers: Makarand Mehta (an eminent historian),
 Lina Mishra (Senior editor, Indian Express),
 Punita Harne (Head of the department of Journalism and Mass Communication GVP)
 Syam Parekh (Head of the department of communication, Oro University, Surat)
 Paul Jon ( Senior Journalist, The Times of India)
 Debashish Nayak (Director of Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University)
 Pino Shah (Heritage photographer, USA)
 Vinod Pandey ( Professor of department of Journalism and Mass Communication GVP)
 Ashwin Chauhan (Professor of department of Journalism and Mass Communication GVP)

 Malati Mehta (Director, film production management AMA)
 Esther David (aestheticism, writer and researcher)
 Manek Patel ( Dentist, researcher and writer)

Coordinators: Dr Moti Devu, assistant professor of History, Nandini Dwivedi a PhD student of Journalism
department, Pravin Sekh, a PhD student of History department, Pradip Kothari, a PhD student of
Sociology department, Sandhya Kar, PhD student of Journalism department Gujarat Vidyapith.

Chief Guests: Dr Anamik Shah, VC of Gujarat Vidyapith, Subhash Brahmbatt, a historian and retired
principal of HK college Ahmedabad, Dr Munjal Bhimdadkar, the head of Social Science departments of
Gujarat Vidyapith, Dr Giridhar Patel, head of the Sociology department Gujarat Vidyapith, Sirin Mehta,
an eminent historian, Praytkar Kanadiya, head of the department of Library Science Gujarat Vidyapith,
Dr Vikram Amaravat, assistant professor of History and Dr Binduvasini Joshi, professor of History
department Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad.

Objective: To bring heritage awareness of Ahmedabad City on occasion of it’s 609 birthday

Introduction: A two day inter disciplinary seminar on the subject of Heritage Management and Mass
Media was organized in Hirak Mahotsav Khand of Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad on 25th and 26th
February, 2020. The seminar consisted of speeches of various scholars of Media, History, Film, Culture,
communication, Photography and Literature. A Street play 'Pol etle molu dai ane upar katko gol' and old
Ahmedabad city heritage Walk were also the parts of the two day seminar. The seminar was divided into
four sessions, each day two. The sole objective of the seminar was to bring awareness in society by
making people more sensitive to their heritage.

The seminar began by lighting the lamp and offering universal prayer. The guests were acknowledged by
giving them cotton yarn skeins, handkerchiefs and Pothis (booklets). Dr. Punita Harne, Head of the
department of Journalism and Mass Communication Gujarat Vidyapith, welcomed everyone in the
seminar. She stated that it was the first interdisciplinary seminar on this subject in Gujarat Vidyapith.
She then called Debahish, director of Centre of Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University for the
introductory speech.
'Why do we need to discuss about heritage?’ was the first question of Mr. Debahish. He raised the
concern that there is wide lack of historical knowledge in today’s students. ‘It is my general observation
that we are unaware of our surroundings', he said.

Makarand Mehta, a deemed Historian was the chief speaker of the first day. Mehta deliberated on
Gandhi and Ahmedabad. He called the establishment of Gujarat Vidyapith a revolutionary heritage
movement. Mehta said that there were two types of heritage: tangible and intangible. He remembered
significant historical figures such as Gandhi, Tagore, Ambalal Sarabhai, Shantilal Zaveri and Edwerd
Terry, a traveler. Mehta reiterated that significant events carry ideas and values which become the
intangible heritage of our society. Talking on Ahmedabad he linked the city with Gandhi and questioned
why Gandhi chose Ahmedabad as his centre of activities. He explained the meaning of POET-
population, organization, ecology, technology- theory of urbanization- Ahmedabad City. He urged
students to prepare term papers on the Gandhian national movement in Ahmedabad between 1915 to

The second speaker was Manekbhai Patel, a dentist by profession and historian by interest. He talked
about his Gujarat Samachar column 'Amdavadionu Amdavad' with it’s interesting background history.
He advised the students to cultivate a hobby.

Anamik Shah, the vice Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith expressed his good wishes for all the students. He
also drew attention of the students towards some unexplored research work. He motivated the
students, saying that there are abundant job opportunities in the field of liberal arts in the coming days.

Dr. Punita Harne and Paul Jon were the chief speakers of the first session. Mrs Harne talked about the
Cultural Heritage Management and the role of Mass Media. She minutely dissected different types of
heritage news and their importance for travel, preservation. She also differentiated between the raw
heritage news which mostly deal with the sentiment of people and the solid heritage news which help
spread the awareness of heritage in people. Pol Jon, the senior Journalist presented his power point
presentation. He discussed different ideas of story telling. Pol also emphasized that without the
community attachment there can be no scope either for media or heritage preservation.

Another speaker Syam Parekh, a senior Journalist started his speech by saying that history speaks
through the monuments. He interestingly connected the importance of local heritage to the global
Culture. Parekh showed concern about the increasing apathy to the heritage monuments. His speech
was one of the most interactive; he called 300 years old Sabarmati river as a living heritage of the City.
That there are trees older than 300 years in the city astonished many in the seminar. On the question of
first tea stall in Ahmedabad, many interesting facts about tea were revealed by Makarand Meht,. Such
as 1833 Asam tea company and Veerji Veera's first tea profession in 1642 in Surat. Parekh also talked on
food by reminding of Vishi Culture of old Ahmedabad.

Debashish Nayak, director of the center for heritage Management, Ahmedabad University, the third
speaker of the session spoke on his ambitious project 'Getting the city back to the people'. He
emphasized on the synchronization of the role of Media, both print and electronic and, the project of
renovation and restoration for the preservation of the heritage Culture. Sirin Mehta, meanwhile
commented on the need of including the minority's heritage monuments such as Synagogue of the city.

The street play 'pol etle molu dai ane upar katko gol’ summed up the day with the message of
preserving Pol culture where panch still matters and people are actively part of their neighbours. The
Chabutaro was the symbolic of community bondage of Pol Culture.

Next day, the early morning old City heritage Walk started the seminar on a different zone. The students
and the teachers were led to and explained the importance of various important heritage sites including
the poet Dalpatram Chok, Kalupur Swaminarayan temple, Jama Mosque, Hajapatel ni Pol and Jain Pol,
Manek Chok, Bhadra Fort and Manek Buraj.

Pino Shah, a USA based heritage photographer began the third session of February 26. He spoke on the
power of visual media for invoking heritage affinity in people. Pino said that the physical monuments
might not stay longer but their documentation could be a valuable resource for the coming generation.
Pino gave lessons of heritage photography by explaining the photography law of 70:30 (photos and
text), six questions of photography and the target audience.

The next speaker Vinod Pandey, a professor at Journalism department, Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad
talked on the subject 'Culture, heritage and Media'. Dr Pandey succinctly discussed the role of UNESCO,
current government initiative like Ganga Project, Hindu culture, tourism, traditional vocation and the
role of English and Vernacular languages newspapers for the preservation of heritage, both tangible and

Ashwin Chauhan, a professor at the Journalism department Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad presented a
case study of Chirodeep Chaudhary on Mumbai Clock Towers. Dr Ashwin in his natural style of humour
spoke on the connection between human values with clock towers. He also provided technical aspects
of clock tower photography like the choice of colour, angles and need of extensive reading for good

Mahesh Shah, a senior Journalist read out his Pol letter in which he minutely dealt with the real culture
of Pol. He included physical, nonphysical, ritual, and humane aspects of the Pol in his letter. The session
ended with the Thanksgiving speech of Praytkar Kanadiya, a professor at the department of Library
Science, Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad.

Malati Mehta, a director of film production Management at AMA and Esther David, a writer and
aesthetician were the main speakers of the fourth and last session of the seminar. 'There is a magical
feeling in some heritage monuments', Mrs David said in the most literary way. She discussed about her
experience with the old City, new city, the walled City, and all the people who are associated in some
way with this heritage. She talked about her experience of writing her novel 'Ahmedabad City With a
Past'. There ware mentions of trees of Tad, Hasti Bibino Ghokhlo, auto rickshaw drivers, donation for
beggars and many myths of the city in her speech.

Malati Mehta called film production as one the most intangible heritage of our culture. She presented
some lovely documentaries on Ahmedabad city. Last but not the least, Ms Prathi, a student of Debashish
Nayak urged the audience to grow a tree per person by explaining the role of organic heritage in today’s

Conclusion: The seminar was concluded with the acknowledgement of everyone's work for the seminar
by Dr Punita Harne.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

National Science Day and GVP Library

Happy National Science Day

National Science Day is celebrated to commemorate the discovery of 'Raman Effect' which brought India Nobel Prize for Physics in the year 1930 with tremendous efforts of CV Raman.

No Civilization can aspire prosperity without adopting scientific spirit in it's practice. There is science of everything which makes it simple to understand. Science eases up the material world, it also helps to understand the malfunction of particular process.

Science must not be the privilege of the exclusive group. At least the scientific ideas must find vent in the mass ears. Sadly, the current time of the world is one of the most unscientific, jingoist, violent and anti reasoning.

In this scenario National Science Day is more relevant. India has quite a rich history of Scientists. We have Aryabhatta, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Vikram Sarabhai and Dr Abdul Kalam. Although India might have far lagged behind than Europe in giving the world enough scientists at least in terms of population, but India has given the world a large number of social and spiritual scientists.

Indian spirituality is rich with revolutionary figures like Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Kabir, Osho, and many more. We also have social scientists like Dayanand Saraswati, Ramkrishna Paramhans, Vivekananda, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Jyotiba Phule, Savitri Phule, Gandhi and Ambedkar.

These people challenged the status co of the time. They challenged orthodoxy of the tradition. They challenged within and without, established an alternative model for the community. India is great only because of these kind of people throughout the history. Let us cherish the innate scientific heritage of our culture, and promise the nation to carry it forward for the coming generation by turning our path to library.

Amazing Auto

જીવનમાં ભાર નહિ પણ ભાવ રાખો - ઉદયભાઈ રિક્ષાવાળા

હેપ્પી બર્થડે અમદાવાદ

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

No Narrative is possible!

Delhi is on fire. The narrative is ultimately changed, it is Hindu vs Muslim. The binary - the enemy of rationale - is on the battle ground. The binary is howling, mocking humanity.

The time of supporting or opposing someone or some ideology, some cause is far over. There is no space for reasoning. The crowd is on the march. The target is the one who is weak in numbers, in arms, or sometime someone whose only fault is to either Muslim or Hindu.

The binary will not pity if someone is the sole bread earner of his family. It will also not care if the nation is already in ecnomical crisis and the arsoning adds fuel to one's own property.

The binary runs amok through the streets. It will corner someone and avail most of his/her helplessness. The law itself will become the victim now. The media will be subjected to prove their stand.

Monday, February 24, 2020

ડિજિટલ જીની

આજ કાલ વોટ્સએપ યુનિવર્સિટી એ દરેક ભોંપુ ને તત્વજ્ઞાનની અનું પારંગત ડિગ્રી આપી દીધી છે. જેનાથી તે સવાર સાંજ આત્મવિજય ફૂંક્યા કરે છે. તો બીજી બાજુ ટિક ટોક માં ભાઈની ભવાઈ અને બેનીની બત્રિશીઓ વૈશ્વિક સ્તરે પ્રસિદ્ધ પામ્યાં છે. બાકી રહ્યું ટ્વિટર જેમાં મોટા ભાગે 'મેં આપકે સાથ હું યા સાથ નહીં હું' વડે જવાબ આપવાનો  હોય છે.

આ બેફામ અભિવ્યક્તિઓ એક નવો વાદ ઊભો કર્યો છે. જેનું નામ છે આનંદવાદ. નવ જાગૃતિનો આ ડિજિટલ ઉદય છે જેમાં તથ્યો પ્રકાશની ઝડપે આપણા સંદેશાઓ લાવી રહ્યા છે. આ સંદેશાઓ તથ્યો પર આધારિત હોવા કરતા મનોરંજક હોય છે.

મહાન તત્વચિંતક કાર્લ માર્કસ ફક્ત વૈચારિક આદર્શવાદ ની સખત ટીકા કરે છે. માર્ક્સના જણાવ્યા અનુસાર આપણી આસપાસની ભૌતિક પરિસ્થિતિ આપણા આદર્શોનું નિર્માણ કરે છે. તેથી જ તો માર્કસ કામદારોના હકનો બુલંદ અવાજ ઉઠાવે છે. માર્કસ સમાજને ખોખલા આદર્શવાદ થી સાવધાન રેહવાની સલાહ આપે છે.

ડિજિટલ જીનીએ આપણા માટે હુકમ મેરે આકા કહીએ એક ટચ વડે મજાનો મહેલ ઊભો કર્યો છે જેમાં વાસ્તવિક બાબતોનું કોઈ મહત્વ જડતું નથી.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

લૂંટણીયો મેળો

કસ્તુરબા નિર્વાણ દિન નિમિત્તે દર વર્ષે ગુજરાત વિદ્યાપીઠમાં આનંદ મેળાનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવે છે. જેમાં જુદી જુદી વાનગીઓ સસ્તા ભાવે વેચવામાં આવે છે. પરંતુ આ વખતે મોટા ભાગના વાનગી સ્ટોલમાં એક એક વાનગીની કિંમત ૨૦ રૂપિયા હતી. અને તેની સામે જથ્થો એકદમ ઓછો!

છાત્રાલયમાં વિદ્યાર્થી દીઠ ૫૦ રૂપિયાના ટોકન આપવામાં આવ્યા હતા. પરંતુ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પોતાના પોકેટના પૈસા કાઢતાં પણ પેટ ભરીને જમી શક્યા ન હતા. કેમ કે એક પણ વાનગી પૂર્ણ આહાર રૂપે ન હતી. છૂટી છવાઈ વાનગીઓ ૨૦-૨૦ રૂપિયામાં પેટમાં આગ લગાડે એવી હતી ભૂખ સંતોષ એવી નહિ.

જાનું કરો ના

જાનું કરો ના, દિકુ કરો ના,
હવે ન જાવું મારે ચાયના
તારા બાપાને કેજે હું તો રેવાનો ભારતમાં
ચાયના માં ચાલે કોરોના
ચાહું તને લાખ પણ ચેપી છે કોરોના
કહે છે આ તો ફોનથી પણ ફેલાય
વળી મારો ફોન પણ છે ચાયના.
જો તું પૈસાનો લોભ મેલી દે તો,
ભલું છે ભારત, હું રહીશ રાજકોટમાં
અમદાવાદમાં તો આવે ટ્રમ્પ
દુશ્મન જેનું ચાયના.

Friday, February 21, 2020


૨૧ ફેબ્રુઆરી એટલે વિશ્વ માતૃભાષા દિવસ. ૧૭ નવેમ્બર, ૧૯૯૯થી યુનેસ્કો દ્વારા આ દિવસ ઉજવવાની જાહેરાત કરવામાં આવી હતી. આ ઉજવણીનો હેતુ આ વ્યાપક વિશ્વમાં ભિન્ન સંસ્કૃતિઓ અને ભાષાઓના મહત્વની સમજ કેળવવાનો અને સ્વીકાર કરવાનો છે.

૨૦૨૦ વર્ષની માતૃભાષા દિવસની થીમ ' સરહદ વિનાની ભાષાઓ ' છે. જે સરહદી ઝઘડાઓના નિરાકરણ માં સ્થાનિક ભાષાઓની ભૂમિકામાં રહેલો વિશ્વાસ છે.

' જો તમે સામાં વાળા ને સમજણ પડે તે ભાષામાં વાત કરો તો તે તેના ભેજામાં ઉતરે છે પણ જો તમે સામા માણસની ભાષામાં વાત કરો તો તે તેના હૈયામાં ઉતરે છે .' પ્રસ્તુત શબ્દો મહા માનવ નેલસન મંડેલાના છે. જગ વિખ્યાત આધુનિક અંગ્રેજી કવિયત્રી વર્જિનિયા વૂલ્ફના મતે ભાષાએ હોંઠ ઉપરની મદિરા છે.

માતૃભાષા પ્રત્યે લગાવ નું એક સાદું સીધું કારણ છે તે પિતૃ ભાષા નથી. તેમાં કોઈ પરિશ્રમ નથી, કોઈ ભય નથી. હાથનું કામ પ્રકૃતિમાં પરિશ્રમ કરી ઉપાર્જન કરવાનું છે, માતૃભાષા વડે આ પ્રકારના તમામ કાર્યોનું સામૂહિક પરિવહન શક્ય બને છે અને જાણ્યે અજાણ્યે સમાજ નિર્માણની પ્રક્રિયા થાય છે.

આજે યુનેસ્કો જેવી આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સંસ્થાઓ પણ ભાષાની વિભિન્નતા ને માન આપે છે અને જુદા જુદા લોકો વચ્ચેના સાંસ્કૃતિક ભેદને સ્વીકારવાની અને સમજવાની ભલામણ કરે છે. તો ચાલો પોતાની માતૃભાષાનું ગૌરવ લઈએ અને સાથે સાથે આપણાથી ભાષાકીય ભિન્ન લોકોને પણ સહજ સ્વીકારીએ.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Atrocity against Dalit in Rajasthan

A twenty year old young dalit man was subjected to extreme physical torture when a group of vigilantes publicly beaten and a screwdriver with petrol on it was inserted in his rectum on suspicion of theft of merely hundred rupees. The incident took place in Nagaur of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan Chief Minister instantly posted a twitter post in which he condemned the act and assured of justice in the matter. The opposition started criticizing the government on the issue.

Such brutal acts shake the thinking people of the nation completely. It also brings a great shame upon the present Indian society as despite the 72 years of independence prejudices of caste, religion, language dominate our behaviour.

The incidents of mob lynchings have been rampant in the country resulting into the inhuman punishments of most weaker sections of the society. These incidents are alarming as they reject the necessity of law.

Just few days before this incident, the judges of Supreme Court said that it is better to leave this country if the people are not to obey the rule of law.

The statistics of 'Halt The Hate' initiative conducted by Amnesty International is proof of the fact that weaker sections have been continuously targeted from 2015 onwards. From September 2015 to June 2019 there have been 621 alleged hate crimes committed against Dalits.

There have been incidents of rape, honor killing and even stone pelting on wedding procession. The last one is very recent of Banaskantha area of Gujarat where a Dalit bridegroom was stone pelted, interestingly this bridegroom happens to be a man of army!

All these incidents do not bode well for the coming days as the implementation of crude power has deeply intruded the privacy of selected class of the society.    

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

સોનેરી વર્ષા

ખબર ના હોય તો કહી દઉં, પાનખર પધારી ચૂકી છે. પીળા પીળા પાન ચોતરફ વર્ષી રહ્યા છે. અલબત્ત જ્યાં વાદળ વૃક્ષો હોય ત્યાં.

અમારી ગુજરાત વિદ્યાપીઠ વૃક્ષોના મામલે હજુ પણ સમૃદ્ધ છે. જોકે સવાર સવારમાં ગૃહકાર્ય કરનારાઓને પાંદડાના ઢગલા વાળવાનુ અઘરું તો પડતું જ હશે પણ ૧૧ની ઉપાસનામાં જતી વેળાએ જાણે આ વૃક્ષો અમારા જ માનમાં સોનેરી જાજમ બિછાવી રહ્યા હોય એવું લાગે છે. કુ કુ નો કલરવ કરતાં પંખીઓ એક વાતની પ્રતીતિ કરાવે છે કે હજી પણ મોબાઈલના ગ્લાસ બહાર એક દુનિયા ધમ ધમી રહી છે. તો આજે દુનિયાદારીની ભેટીઓ માર્યા કરતાં એકાદ ખરતાં પાનને તમારા વ્યસ્ત જીવનમાં રૂડો આવકાર આપવાનું ભૂલતા નહિ હો. 

સર્વોચ્ચ નિર્ણય

નવી દિલ્હી: સુપ્રીમ કોર્ટે સોમવારે સરકારને આદેશ આપ્યો છે કે આર્મીના નોનકોમ્બેટ સપોર્ટ યુનિટ્સમાં જો મહિલા અધિકારીઓ તેમના ટૂંકી-સેવા કમિશન પૂર્ણ કર્યા પછી તેની સેવા ચાલુ રાખવા ઇચ્છે તો તેમને પુરૂષ સમકક્ષોની જેમ કાયમી કમિશન આપવામાં આવે.

મહિલા અધિકારીઓને પરફોર્મન્સ ઇન્ડેક્સના આધારે કર્નલની કમાન્ડ પોસ્ટ્સ નહીં આપવાની આર્મી નીતિ મહિલાઓના દરજ્જાને જવાન અથવા જુનિયર કમિશન્ડ અધિકારીની કક્ષાએ ઘટાડી મૂકે છે. સર્વોચ્ચ અદાલતનો મહિલા તરફી આ નિર્ણય આજના સમયમાં ઘણું મહત્વ ધરાવે છે.

આ નિર્ણયથી સ્ત્રીઓમાં આત્મવિશવાસપૂર્વક કર્તવ્ય પાલન કરવાની પ્રેરણા મળશે. બીજું કે ફક્ત નારી તું નારાયણી કહી દેવાથી સ્ત્રીઓના અધિકારોમાં કોઈ માળખાકીય પરિવર્તન શક્ય નથી. વર્તમાન સમયમાં સમગ્ર દેશમાં બળાત્કારના કિસ્સાઓ એ રાષ્ટ્રીય, આંતરરષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે ભારતિય સમાજ ની નબળી છાપ ઉભી કરી છે. જેને દૂર કરવામાં આ નિર્ણયથી એક હકારાત્મક સંદેશ આપી શકાય.

બીજું કે છેલ્લા ઘણા સમયથી ભારતીય મહિલાઓ પોતાના બંધારણીય હકો થી જાગૃત બની છે અને તેના રક્ષણ માટે સશક્ત લડત પણ આપી રહી છે. જેમ કે સબરી માલા મહિલા મંદિર પ્રવેશ મુદ્દો અને શાહીન બાગ દિલ્લીનું મહિલા સંચાલિત અસહમતી પ્રદર્શન આગામી દિવસોમાં ભારતીય મહિલા સમાજ માટે પ્રેરણાસ્રોત બની રહેશે તે નિશંક છે. આમ વ્યક્તિગત રીતે મહિલાઓનું જાગૃત થવું અને સર્વોચ્ય ન્યાયાલય દ્વારા મહિલાઓ તરફી નિર્ણય આ તમામ બાબત આગામી સમયમાં મહિલકેન્દ્રી સમાજ ઊભો કરવામાં સહાયક બનશે.

Monday, February 17, 2020

લગનનો વાયરો ફોંકાંણો

 'અલી શાંતા રે બુન કાંતા; મેં હોંભણિ શે એક વોર્તા' અને 'ભાઈ ગોઠવાઈ ગ્યા છે' જેવા અસલ ગુજરાતી ગીતોની રમજટ સાથે લગન ના વાયરા ફૂંકાવા માંડ્યા છે. તો હવે મુરતિયા અને લાડીની સાથે ગામ આખું નાચ ગાનમાં કૂદી પડશે. કેમ નહીં, ડુંગળી હવે સસ્તી થઈ ગઈ છે અને કોરોનાને એરપોર્ટ ઉપર જ બંદી બનાવી દેવામાં આવ્યો છે.

ગુજરાતી લગ્ન ગીતોની એક અનોખી પરંપરા રહી છે. સમય સાથે જે તે પ્રતીકો અને તેમનું સમાજ માં મહત્વ બદલાયું જેની સ્પસ્ટ અસર લગ્ન ગીતોમાં પણ જોવા મળે છે. જેમકે જૂના ગિતોમાં જે તે વ્યક્તિની વિશેષતાને મહત્વ આપવામાં આવતું હતું પણ હવે ભૌતિક સગવડ પર ભાર મૂકવામાં આવે છે. 'ચાર બંગડી વાળી ગાડી, મામાં મારા ભપમ ભપમ ગાડી લાયા' જેવા ગિતોમાં આ બાબત જોઈ શકાય છે. જોકે આ ભારેભરખમ ગાડીઓ લગ્ન જીવનની સફર ને પાર પાડશે કે નહિ તે સંશોધન નો વિષય છે.

Your admission is cancelled

"Your admission is cancelled, if you want to listen to it in English" were the words of registrar of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad to a student of third year BA.

It has been a thoroughly anti student policy of Gujarat Vidyapith of rusticating the students who have committed some mistake. Especially  in the other two campuses-Sadra and Randheja- where the students have been utterly defeated against the punitive administration of the colleges because of the remoteness from the main University campus in Ahmedabad.

There have been three suicides and three instances of rustication in Sadra alone. Last year many students were shown way out due to lack of sufficient attendance in both Sadra and Randheja.

The worse for the students of these campuses is that nobody takes pain to hold any responsibility for them when they come to register their grievances even in the University. Their hopes of higher authority addressing to the autocratic decisions of their own institutes meet despair.

The only one way the students of these two campuses can fight against these injustices is the formation of a powerful student Union. The students of Ahmedabad campus being senior of course have to take initiative for this cause. Otherwise the termites in the administration of Gujarat Vidyapith would eat away the studentship of the entire University.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Leak on waters, leak on

Libraries are the centers of information dissemination. Libraries cultivate citizens by creating a platform from which the readers can receive information on diverse issues and create innovative ideas to solve social and environment problems. The whole narrative of ideological hegemony of libraries can be broken when you see such images as the above.

The photos belong to the library of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad. The urinal valve of men's toilet has been leaking on and on but the administration of library is at ease. Why not because they have enough water to leak on.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


वर्ण व्यवस्था ने धर्म की व्याख्या की और शिक्षण के क्षेत्र को ब्राह्मणों के अधीन कर दिया है इस वजह से (क्षत्रिय, वैश्य,शूद्र) वर्ण के लोगों में शैक्षणिक प्रतिभा का कुछ खास का विकास नहीं हुआ. इस कारण से पूरे संस्कृत साहित्य मे ब्राह्मणो के अलावा दूसरे वर्गो ने कुछ खास योगदान नही दे पाया.                                                 

प्राचीन काल में केवल ब्राह्मण वर्ण के लोगों का चिंतक होने की एक वजह है, चिंतन के लिए भाषा निश्चित थी और अभिव्यक्ति की पद्धति लोक भाषा न होकर देवभाषा (संस्कृत) अर्थात कुछ विशेष वर्ग की ही भाषा संस्कृत थी जो चिंतन का वाहक बनी. ब्राह्मणों के अलावा अन्य वर्णों का इस भाषा पर कुछ खास अधिकार नही था. इस कारण से धार्मिक, राजकीय और सामाजिक भाषा से ज्यादातर वंचित वर्ग अपने चिंतन की अभिव्यक्ति नहीं कर सका और ना ही प्रचार कर सका. क्योंकि प्रचार प्रसार का एकमात्र क्षेत्र व्यासपीठ था जो पूर्ण रूप से ब्राह्मणों के हाथो में था.

प्रथम (ब्राह्मण) वर्ण प्रजाहित चिंतन करके पुस्तक लिखता और लिखे हुए पुस्तकों को ऋषिमुनि के प्रभावी रंगरूप देकर व्यासपीठ पर बैठकर व्याख्यान करता. चिंतन से लेकर विचारों के प्रसारण तक केवल एक ही वर्ग पूरा काम करता है तो फिर जो परिणाम आएगा  उसकी सिर्फ सहज कल्पना की जा सकती है. एक प्रकार से इन बुद्धिमानी जीवों का सर्वहित लक्ष्य हेतु एक संगठन हो गया था, जो एक साथ मिलकर एक ही जैसी व्याख्या करके अन्य प्रजा के पास से धार्मिक लाभ और महत्व बटोरता था.

इस एक अधिकार वाली चिंतन परंपरा में भगवान बुद्ध ने बड़ा बदलाव लाया. उन्होंने अन्य वर्णों के लोगों को भी चिंतक बनाया. उतना ही नहीं उन्होंने देवभाषा को हटाकर उसकी जगह लोकभाषा-मातृभाषा को महत्व दिया. बौद्ध काल में ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र सभी वर्ण के लोग चिंतक बने हैं.

आडंबरयुक्त या लघुता ग्रंथि से पीड़ित समाज, चिंतन को महत्व न देकर उसकी भाषा या चिंतक की जन्मजात श्रेष्ठता को महत्व देता है. हमारे यहां इस वजह से सामान्य कक्षा के चिंतकों ने चिंतन को संस्कृत भाषा तक सीमित कर दिया और दूसरा, ऋषि मुनियों के नाम पर चिंतन पर एकाधिकार कर लिया. मेरी बात कौन सुनेगा?  इसी लघुता ग्रंथि ने मेरे बोलने को अवतार, ऋषि, मुनि या आचार्य के मुख में रख दिया. अब मेरी बात मेरी ना रहकर वशिष्ठ, व्यास या राम, कृष्ण की हो गई. लोग आज भी इस बात पर लड़ते हैं कि श्रीराम ने रामायण या श्रीकृष्ण ने महाभारत में जो बोला है, क्या वह झूठ है. उनको कौन समझाए कि इन सभी ग्रंथों में राम और कृष्ण नही बोलता है अपितु उनके माध्यम से लेखक बोलता है और लेखक भी वह नहीं है जो उस ग्रंथ के लिए प्रसिद्ध है; यह तो कोई दूसरा ही है.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Communication and Television

Humans are proven to be the best of animal species not because they have smarter brain but they can most effectively understand the other human being. Of course other living creatures too understand each other and a little more of their enemies but they are no match to humans when it comes to communication. From the Stone age to global world humans have understood and explained the demand of the situation. They have adapted best therefore evolved best. All of this was possible because of their constant communication skill. Humans can simultaneously be both emotional and rational. They will rationally create something to communicate something most emotional. Television is one such miracle of human evolution.

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky" are the words of the most celebrated romantic poet William Wordsworth. The discovery of television has helped us see these kinds of imagination with our own eyes in an easy way. Even John Logie Baird, the inventor of electric television would perhaps not have imagined of the impact which television has today in society. Television has made communication fast, effective, more reliable. With the help of television one can receive reliable news from the four direction of the world at the click of remote control. The technique of presenting diverse, colorful imagination into visual property has enchanted viewers of all the age and areas. It communicates ideas of education, information, imagination in an entertaining way.

However print, radio and Television often work in synchrony, the last is more powerful than the preceding two. Television uses visuals which communicate most effectively to convey the meaning. For example, there is a vast difference between listening to a live cricket match on radio and watching it on TV. The latter gives the viewer much more comprehensive and dynamic picture of the event.

According to famous scientist Vikram Sarabhai, Television should be used for education purpose. This use of Television has benefited the students of remote areas. There are education programs in which comparably tough subjects such as science, mathematics and English are taught by different teachers. It can be also helpful in decreasing the fear of such subjects in students as the medium being visual the students are not afraid of their teachers.

Information dissemination has gained momentum over the recent years in television this is specially due to the availability of internet. Whether it is news, wild life or some space project, television has everything to offer. It has many interesting and important things to offer.

Television has communicated to the people of all ages in the most effective way. It has also played an important role in the lives of ordinary people by communicating culturally powerful ethos. For example, one cannot help noticing the tug of war between husband and wife over the remote control whenever there are concurrent program like cricket match and TV serial.

Television is arguably the most effective medium of communicating a messages as it appeals both eye and ear simultaneously. As soon as television starts communicating, it captures the whole attention of its audience. It is powerful also because it can appeal and communicate both literate and illiterate. Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of Franklin Roosevelt, says " Television is the newest and most controversial wonder child of modern science and industrial ingenuity, and because it appeals to both the eye and ear simultaneously, television may make the greatest possible impression on the human mind."

The television has its drawbacks too. It has negatively impacted the children mostly. It diverts more than it helps. There have been instances of children ill communicated by TV programs. Obscene and violent visuals and language could impress the mind of children in a most negative way. In modern day cartoons and games cultivate young innocent minds of children in the most illogical and brutal way. The powerful graphics of the games haunt the psychology of the children like nightmare. TV steals children's time from important activities. For hours the toddlers as well as rather young children keep sitting before television sets gaping into the virtual reality of this evil media. The sportive games and activities have almost ceased to take place.

The aim of television might have been to draw people closer from the world over but instead even the family members have become distant in one's own house. The latest version of television in the form of You Tube backed by high speed internet connection has completed this all. Now one can see hundreds of people sitting in airport, bus station or railway station but no one talks to anyone. The real communication has lost its charm and importance as every source of information is available more accurately and speedily over internet. This negative impact of television must be dreaded of.

Many scholars have disdained television fearing that it could create virtual and unreal earth on the earth where real problems will be shrouded over the fantasy and fancy of visual media. Newton N. Minow calls the television programs as the "vast wasteland", further a study conducted by John Robinson and Steven Martin from the University of Maryland declares that the people unsatisfied with their life spend 30% more time than the satisfied ones. Television has therefore been criticized and given various names such as 'idiot box', 'boob tube', 'chewing gum' etc.

New Budget

Kite Accidents

     India is well-known for the rich circulation of festivals throughout 365 days. Diwali, Holi, Onam, Eid, Christmas, Navratri etc, are so...