Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Life To Me...

    Often asked, answered and yet remained unanswered, one of the most unsatisfactory answers that belongs to the ever eager question 'What is life?'. 

    How simply people say that life is a joy/ a test/ a play or many such words. But really, is life these or any other words that may click your mind right now? Don't we feel that what we define life exactly turns the opposite next moment? And how many of the answers are our own? Don't we continuously own the borrowed treasure of knowledge from all type of media? 

    First of all, let us clear what do we exactly mean by the question about life. Linguistically, the word life is a noun made up of four letters--L,I,F,E. Now most of our answers for life are like extracting meaning out of the letters, sounds, grammar and ultimately the language that too based on out one dimensional experience and understanding felt by our senses.

    I think an understanding of our communication capabilities may help us realizing our limits of realizations of every thing around us as we are mostly mistaken in generalizing every term, every word, notwithstanding the word life. There are about 7 billion persons on the planet today and uncountable other living creatures in constant fluctuation of living and non-living matters. Rajnish Osho says that 99 percent of the time we are a bundle of thoughts. We are what we think and most of the time we think. 

    Our every questions for everything have sprung up from our curiosity to know each and all. To satisfy our desires of knowledge we have developed a communication system through which we try to explain and understand. Human communication system propelled by the language often falls short to explaining anything fully. Our most capable senses hearing, eyesight, smell, touch and taste give us a limited experience. Therefore, a child may delight looking at the moon and a mature man may find it something else. 

    The above mentioned example shows that our every single experience is unique; our apprehensions of things; our interpretations of things, realizations of things are totally different. Then how come we desire for a universal answer to the word LIFE.

    The distasteful truth is that we are not fully aware of our own selves and we want to win answers of infinity. There can be no answer to life or any other curiosity as both our realization and communication are too limited to answer anything in full for us.

    LIFE is not a question to answer. That being said life is also not anything our language can pose before us. If questions were so important than a frog living in a well is happier  than us not ever knowing what is life. There is a difference between something being and thinking something. What we do is we think something whereas that thinking and understanding of that thing are limited. As soon as we start thinking we are broken away from being. The interpreter comes between I and the object. In that case we are more thinking and less being so the more thinking impacts a little on our being. For example, there is a difference between we sit in a car and we think we sit in a car. And then we sit in another car whose experience will be completely different than the previous sitting. This shows that every new experience of our sitting in a car may be an addition to our understanding of a car. Can we ever be able to answer our car experience fully? And would not it be ever changing even if we have answered it once and for all?

    LIFE is same way an experience ever changing for every single individual. It cannot be one of the bundle of answers that we carry in our sheath based on our limited experiences. 

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