Saturday, December 31, 2022

Hold U So Close '2022'

    How easier it's in vogue today to part away from the past heartfelt memories in hope of the yet unfelt! Yes, I am talking about 2022-2023. It is but natural to feel for the passing year's passing emotions on the verge of the upcoming New Year. But would not a simple one linear 'goodbye 20-20 to happy new year' phrase be an insult to the heaps of joyous moments dear to our chest. 

    No no. I would not be able to say one linear goodbye to this heartfelt, still beating 2022. In fact, 20-20's attachment will be even felt during the next year's writing dates when many like me will mistake to still write 2022 instead of 23. 

    The year 2022 is not simple four digits to me, its been alive throughout the year. The unrelenting efforts to gain something seemingly valuable only to find it a dilemma of freedom and bondage altogether later; the sad break away from the youthful sparky eyes full of blood; the desperations of finding something meaningful from the catalogues of books followed by the lazy tea break; tax-free exchange of laughter suddenly forgetting all one's problems. 

    Ah, I just hold the feel of a starting line of the daylight song in Maroon 5 album. 

    "And When the daylight comes I will have to go

But tonight I am gonna hold you so close".

    Goodbye 2022.

Friday, December 30, 2022


 1: Economics/Economy

(i) Never spend your money before you have earned it. -- Jefferson

(ii) Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: if it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it-- Reagan

2: Education

(i) An investment in knowledge pays the best interest-- Benjamin Franklin

(ii) Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world--Nelson Mandela

(iii) Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.-- Mahatma Gandhi

3. Globalization 

(i) Ensuring that the benefits of globalization are shared widely remains a challenge--Shusma Swaraj

(ii) We need a greening of globalization-- Sigmar Gabriel

4. Environment

(i) It is critical for us to cultivate consciousness and compassion toward our environment, create awareness, galvanize people and build sustainable innovations for sustainable development.--Dia Mirza

5. Sustainable development

(i) What pleases me most is that sustainable development is on everybody's agenda now-- Maurice Strong

(ii) Simply put, girls and women are the keys that will unlock sustainable development. They are also at the center of the healthier and more resilient societies we desire.--Tedros Andhanom

6. “Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven.” - Henry Ward Beecher

7. When I is replaced by We, even Illness becomes Wellness.”… Malcolm

8. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” -MAHATMA GANDHI

9. “The time is past when humankind thought it could selfishly draw on exhaustible resources. We know now, the world is not a commodity."-French President, François Hollande

Feel Calm...

Have u ever heard people talk of peace, calmness, shanti etc,. words? As in T.S. Eliot's masterpiece poem 'The Waste Land' has this line of repeated words where it proclaims for shanti, shanti, shanti. Have u ever tried to feel at peace and failed continuously? If so then this writing may be helpful to you.

There have emerged two types of human heroes in our civilization. Those who fought with nature to tame it adaptable to human comfort. The others were those who willfully surrendered to it in order to make themselves more adaptable to nature. 

The emergence of peace has direct relation with the type of person or personality one owns. Broadly said, those who are satisfied with the way things are they are often at peace with than those who constantly struggle to change the ways. 

   The feeling of calmness differs from the talk of calm. Usually people are advising each other to keep calm, have patience, be peaceful etc,. But where does the feeling of calm come from? If observed consciously it is seen arising from within like any other feeling.

The definition of feeling of calm may help understand it better. Normally feeling calm would mean to be mentally relaxed and satisfied with one's current state. However, a more sophisticated understanding of feel calm would be an awareness and acknowledgement of one's present state.  

Do you ever realize at which portion of time you feel most relaxed and calm in your day? Mostly during sleep if I am not wrong. Why sleep? Actually, we are not even fully aware of the feeling of calm during sleep? It means we feel most calm when there is a least thinking process in our brain. 

Various neuroscience studies have shown that the brain uses more than 20% of the total oxygen that we breathe in. Our brain is more alert during the day compared to night. We feel more relaxed during night as our brain consumes maximum oxygen while mostly staying on non-alert mode. It's almost like a mobile phone placed in a charging mode. 

Apart from sleep one feels calm from every natural intake and discharge of sensory requirements. For instance, eating, drinking, sitting, doing potty, sexual acts etc,. Of course these feelings of sensory pleasure and satisfaction derived there from are intermittent and in chunks. Only the period of calm during sleep lasts comparatively long.

All said, unconscious feel of calm totally differs from the conscious one. Conscious calm is more soothing, lasting and joyful. Normally, 99 percent of human brains are not trained to feel conscious calmness. The thinking mind is the biggest barrier to conscious calm. A thought process often runs parallel to breathing and our oxygen is continuously drained rendering a constant dualism within us. 

If one observes one's thought process and breathing simultaneously, one will instantly realise the fact that conscious breathing and conscious thinking cannot coexist. At least one process must go unconsciously. To my notice, they both go unconscious most of the time. Neither are we consciously breathing not thinking. This creates a boiling pot inside our body. 

Peace of mind cannot be realised without properly realising one's breathing and thinking. Thinking being the barrier to peace must give way for peace to emerge. And the feel of calm never pours in, it grows up from within. Efforts of getting calmness with help of mind often go in vain because of the lack of awareness. 

A mind without thoughts may be the treasure of peace. A typical peace which flows in and in. More sound and lasting like a full blown flute note. It's not only understood but realised. One literally feels it like any other sensory pleasure. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Life To Me...

    Often asked, answered and yet remained unanswered, one of the most unsatisfactory answers that belongs to the ever eager question 'What is life?'. 

    How simply people say that life is a joy/ a test/ a play or many such words. But really, is life these or any other words that may click your mind right now? Don't we feel that what we define life exactly turns the opposite next moment? And how many of the answers are our own? Don't we continuously own the borrowed treasure of knowledge from all type of media? 

    First of all, let us clear what do we exactly mean by the question about life. Linguistically, the word life is a noun made up of four letters--L,I,F,E. Now most of our answers for life are like extracting meaning out of the letters, sounds, grammar and ultimately the language that too based on out one dimensional experience and understanding felt by our senses.

    I think an understanding of our communication capabilities may help us realizing our limits of realizations of every thing around us as we are mostly mistaken in generalizing every term, every word, notwithstanding the word life. There are about 7 billion persons on the planet today and uncountable other living creatures in constant fluctuation of living and non-living matters. Rajnish Osho says that 99 percent of the time we are a bundle of thoughts. We are what we think and most of the time we think. 

    Our every questions for everything have sprung up from our curiosity to know each and all. To satisfy our desires of knowledge we have developed a communication system through which we try to explain and understand. Human communication system propelled by the language often falls short to explaining anything fully. Our most capable senses hearing, eyesight, smell, touch and taste give us a limited experience. Therefore, a child may delight looking at the moon and a mature man may find it something else. 

    The above mentioned example shows that our every single experience is unique; our apprehensions of things; our interpretations of things, realizations of things are totally different. Then how come we desire for a universal answer to the word LIFE.

    The distasteful truth is that we are not fully aware of our own selves and we want to win answers of infinity. There can be no answer to life or any other curiosity as both our realization and communication are too limited to answer anything in full for us.

    LIFE is not a question to answer. That being said life is also not anything our language can pose before us. If questions were so important than a frog living in a well is happier  than us not ever knowing what is life. There is a difference between something being and thinking something. What we do is we think something whereas that thinking and understanding of that thing are limited. As soon as we start thinking we are broken away from being. The interpreter comes between I and the object. In that case we are more thinking and less being so the more thinking impacts a little on our being. For example, there is a difference between we sit in a car and we think we sit in a car. And then we sit in another car whose experience will be completely different than the previous sitting. This shows that every new experience of our sitting in a car may be an addition to our understanding of a car. Can we ever be able to answer our car experience fully? And would not it be ever changing even if we have answered it once and for all?

    LIFE is same way an experience ever changing for every single individual. It cannot be one of the bundle of answers that we carry in our sheath based on our limited experiences. 

Kite Accidents

     India is well-known for the rich circulation of festivals throughout 365 days. Diwali, Holi, Onam, Eid, Christmas, Navratri etc, are so...